Friday, January 29, 2010

O, where art thou valentines?

So, I'm obsessed with I always go there when I have a few moments to just relax. It's such helpful, organized, and insightful site ---> (three things that are sooooooo important to me).

With Valentine's Day coming up soon, please browse these  11 Love Quotes so that you and yours can enjoy a festive, happy, full of love day together.  [maybe even jot these quotes down and leave them somewhere unexpected *wink]

With that said, leave me some feedback. On what, you ask? Well, what type of flower you'd like to recieve on Vday, where you'd LOOOOVE to go on this great holiday, and what are the best words to hear on this day?

Three questions await to be answered, by YOU!

Saturday, January 23, 2010

I gotta do it...

 This lady -ts.saks, here in Atlanta, is super talented. She offers a variety of cute (as any name brand) hand clutches, saks, hippacks, wallet clutches, ruffletts, and more. She is boomin' at the moment and am so thrilled about it.

Just go ahead and check this store out! It's worth your time, money, and everything in between. Buy now!!!

Gooooooo TS.SAKS!

I am a faithful buyer!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Well, I did it!

Today was my first day of college! Yep, you heard right...

MY first day!

I am a 25 year old freshman, hehe... and so proud of it. Just wanted to let my blog friends and fans know that yours truly has begun the college road and will tread victoriously on it. May our Lord bless you and your endeavors for Him.

I love yall! Have a super day, today. (I'll give you bits and pieces of my outstanding days during college)

Love, Sarah